Maple Holistics Shampoo + Conditioner

Maple Holistic Shampoo and Conditioner
I am always on the hunt for new natural haircare as I find that my hair responds best to more natural products. Maple Holistics products contain natural, high quality ingredients in all of their bath, body, skincare and haircare products. I was kindly sent two of their products to test out!

First up, I have the *Maple Holistics Moisture Control Shampoo ($7.95, 8oz) which contains carrot and parsley seed, silk peptide, jojoba, almond, botanical keratin and my favourite ingredient in all beauty products - lavender. I have to comment on the packaging, in my opinion it is a little outdated or cheap looking although it isn't the packaging that counts, it's the product inside. The shampoo smells so nice, like lavender which is my favourite scent! The shampoo doesn't contain sulphates but it still lathers really well which is surprising as most natural and sulphate free shampoos don't. It cleanses and adds a boost of moisturise to my dry hair which is needed even more at this time of the year. 

I also have the *Maple Holistics Argan Conditioner ($7.89, 8oz) which contains jojoba oil, shea butter, green tea, botanical keratin, pomegranate, sea buckthorn and argan oil. I have been using so much of the conditioner recently as my hair has been quite dry because it is definitely much colder now in England but if you do use too much then I feel as though it can make my hair greasier quicker. The conditioner helps detangle, smooth and moisturise my hair without leaving residue. 

Overall, I'm happy with both products on the whole and I will definitely be getting even more use out of them now that the weather is more autumnal. I love that they are natural and sulphate free! I think the price is very reasonable as a lot of natural and sulphate free haircare is quite expensive. Overall rating: ★★★★☆, 4/5. 

Have you tried any products from Maple Holistics? 


  1. I have to say, I tend to just go for some Bumble and bumble (or whatever is in my bathroom cabinet) but I love the look of these. I'm definitely leaning towards more natural products recently!


  2. I ALWAYS go for packaging which is horrendous because it means I potentially overlook amazing products so I am grateful when i get reviews like this to read xxx


  3. These look like great products! thanks for sharing


  4. I tend to go for the shampoos containing keratin, it makes my hair really silky soft! This one sound really good! xx

  5. These hair products sounds lovely! I need some deep conditioning!

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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