AA Seaweed + Aloe Refreshing Eye Gel

I have to admit, I do love my skincare but the areas that I always forget to look after include my neck and under eyes. I do have eczema around my eyes on occasion, my skin is always dry anyway and I have very fine lines under my eyes which I think is due to using steroid creams on my eczema for years. So I struggle to find eye creams and to be honest very few have impressed me - most are just face creams in smaller packaging, in my opinion.  

However, I recently received the *AA Skincare Seaweed + Aloe Refreshing Eye Gel (£6.96, 50ml) and I'm an eye cream/gel convert! The product is paraben free, suitable for all skin types and it contains some of the following ingredients: aloe leaf juice, sea lavender extract, Irish moss extract, mallow extract and more. 

Firstly, I love the packaging, it is simple and effective and it has a pump! The pump dispenser is so handy, it allows a tiny amount to be dispensed and it is mess free. The packaging alone makes the eye gel so convenient and quick to use, it has now become a part of my evening skincare routine. One of the issues that has always put me off using eye creams or gels on a daily basis is that I thought it was a fussy, time wasting extra step but this product has resolved that issue just because it's so quick and handy. 

The gel itself is cooling and it has a smooth gel consistency which  instantly refreshes, smoothes and moisturises the skin; it makes my skin look plumped and radiant almost - without shimmer/glitter. I find that this product helps with reducing dehydration lines especially as well as the look of fatigue as it just perks up the skin. I haven't noticed any irritation at all from this product. 

Overall, I can't say enough good things about this eye gel, it is so convenient, moisturising and it provides a great base for concealer. It also claims to remove makeup which I haven't tested yet but I will update this post when I do. Overall rating: ★★, 5/5. 

Have you tried any products from AA Skincare? Do you use an eye cream/gel daily?


  1. This sounds like a really great product! I've never used a gel eye product before


  2. This sounds so fab and refreshing for summer.

  3. I'm currently using this gel and I have to say it's fantastic. It's perfect to use during hot days like we're currently having as it really leaves my eyes feeling so refreshed x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Definitley it's great for the summer, especially if you keep it in the fridge for a few minutes before use x

  4. wow! I am also on a search for a good eye cream! thanks for the share!

    <3 celly | asian beauty blog

  5. Replies
    1. It is,especially at this time of the year x

  6. This sounds quite interesting, I'd love to try it out!

    Mon Petit Billet


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