Getting Summer Ready ft. Ollie + Darsh

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Images from Pinterest
Summer is just around the corner which means that it is time to get summer ready and along with the necessary...summer wardrobe, there are many 'get summer ready' products and routines, from fitness and lifestyle changes to gradual tanning and for me, teeth whitening. This is a sponsored post. 

I drink at least one latte a day as well as green tea or herbal tea so I am always looking for new, safe teeth whitening products and techniques but none have worked out amazingly well. I have tried a few at home teeth whitening kits over the past two/three years, all of them at a mid range price point or lower; most have only produced very small changes and others have been slightly better but again I haven't achieved the gleaming white teeth that I want. 

I find that I tend to steer clear of pretty, bright summery lipstick shades as they just emphasise even a slight discolouration - especially gorgeous orange, red or yellow based pink shades which would be perfect with a bronze glow and tanned skin for summer. Discolouration also makes me feel quite self conscious, although I know it is a problem a lot of people have as there wouldn't be so many pins and products geared towards teeth whitening. Also I have sensitive teeth *I can't eat ice cream without some pain and discomfort* so I think at home kits such as Crest white strips* will not be suitable for me sadly. Has anyone tried teeth whitening toothpastes, I've tried so many and none of them work for me - if you have any recommendations, leave them in the comments section below! 

I have considered professional teeth whitening although the places I've looked at have been so expensive and again as I have sensitive teeth I've always been worried about the potential negative side effects and how long the whitening would last for - I cannot give up my lattes and green tea for pure white teeth! 

Ollie and Dash is a dentist clinic based in Liverpool, which is not too far from me, which offers many treatments from dental implants, veneers and cancer screening as well as teeth whitening and Invisalign. My sister is going through Invisalign now with another dentist and it is pretty expensive! 

Ollie and Dash also have an offer on teeth whitening in which you can get half price teeth whitening every Wednesday. They have three types of teeth whitening, including an at home teeth whitening option. Also, their 'smile cafe' is a quick service in which teeth whining treatments can be done in your lunch break as some treatments only take 15 minutes!

What are your opinions on teeth whitening? What are your 'get summer ready' routines and favourite products?

*Collaborative post
please always do your own research before considering any kind of treatment anywhere or lifestyle change 


  1. What a great idea that they have options so you can get your teeth whitened in your break! I'm about to start whitening my teeth, I'm just waiting for my personalised trays to come back to me, very excited about it! x

    emily x ❤ | emilyloula

  2. I've never whitened my teeth, it was never something that really bothered me but recently I have felt like they could do with some TLC - probably down to all of the sponsored teeth whitening pics the celebs are sharing! This sounds really good though and something I'd definitely like to try!

    Hayley-Eszti |

    1. I would love to try it too and the offers sound great x

  3. The smile cafe treatments sound great, I didn't know things like this were available! x

    1. I didn't, it sounds like a fantastic service x

  4. I have considered Invisalign before, but it's always so expensive. This offer is very good, sadly, I not based anywhere near Liverpool. xx


    1. My sister is getting it done now and she's seeing some progress but it's a very long process and pretty pricy x

  5. I'd love to get my teeth whitened but I am sometimes skeptical... I used to work for a cosmetic surgery company and some of the results I saw had a little difference between the before and after!

    Faye x
    i wish i could wink

    1. Oh no, I guess everyone will react differently x

  6. I've always wanted to try teeth whitening, but like you say, professional treatments can be so expensive and I find at-home versions can be painful! I'm originally from Liverpool, so I'll definitely look into this clinic for when I'm back next!

    Alice / Alice Grace Beauty


    1. They can be super expensive although I'm always tempted x

  7. I've been wanting to get my teeth done for a while now but you're right it's so expensive. I will check out Invisalign now! :)

    1. Invisalign can be really expensive, so this deal is great x


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