Big International Christmas Giveaway!

Today is the 1st December, so Christmas isn't far away! Last year I had a series of Christmas giveaways although this year I thought I would collect 25 prizes and give them away to ONE lucky winner! The prizes are a mix of makeup, hand sanitiser, nail wraps, nail tools, stationary and a clutch bag!

Here is a list of all the prizes that you can win: 

- Technic Smokey Eyes Kit
- Makeup Revolution Iconic 3 Palette
- NPW Strawberry Scratch and Sniff Nail Wraps
- Nail Art Tool Set
- Mini Benefit Porefessional
- Lippy Highlighters/Markers
- The Vintage Cosmetic Company 'Gracie' False Eyelashes 
- Laqa & Co Nail Polish Pen 'Fancypants'
- Bourjois Volumizer Mascara (Black)
- MeMeMe Light Me Up Gloss 'Captivate'
- Revlon Moon Candy Nail Polish Duo 'Orbit'
- Balance Me Wonder Eye Cream
- The Body Shop Big & Curvy Mascara (Black)
- Avon Ultra Colour Lipstick 'Dream Fuchsia'
- The Body Shop Smoky Black Eye Definer
- Makeup Revolution Pigments in 'Supreme' and 'Levity'
- Makeup Revolution Lip Power 'Anticipate it'
- Makeup Revolution Blush 'Sugar'
- Makeup Revolution Cream Blush 'Peach Cream'
- Makeup Revolution Baked Mono Eyeshadow 'Blue Planet'
- Makeup Revolution Mono Eyeshadows in 'Killer!' and 'Dirty Cash'
- Bath and Body Works Hand Sanitiser in 'Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin'
- Pauls Boutique Gracie Clutch Bag!

My favourite prizes include the Bath and Body Works Hand Sanitiser which are not easily available in the UK sadly, the Makeup Revolution Iconic 3 Palette which is supposed to be a dupe for the Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette and the Pauls Boutique Gracie Clutch from the premium range and it is made of 100% real suede and genuine leather!

There are a few rules with this giveaway: 

1. You must be following my blog via GFC or Bloglovin 
2. You must be following me on Twitter (@ofbeautyand)
3. You must be over 16 years old as I will need your postal address
4. For my international entrants, due to postal restrictions I might have to remove the nail polish from the prize package as shipping nail polish is very restricted especially internationally 
5. If you follow then unfollow your entries will not count; also competition only accounts/entries will not count
6. To enter, complete all of the Rafflecopter form below!

Happy 1st December & GOOD LUCK! x


  1. What a great giveaway, thank you so much for the opportunity xx

    Ioanna |

  2. Such a generous giveaway thankyou!! I love that you have included stationary as I am a stationary addict :) xx

  3. I like seeing the kids get all excited!


  4. Thanks for such a great giveaway!
    I like Christmas dinner with my family!)

  5. that is such a great giveaway! :)


  6. Wow amazing giveaway, I have entered everything, thanks so much! Good luck everyone <3

  7. DUDE! That's a lot of stuff to giveaway. I think you may be my new bestfriend! :)

    On my Xmas list...hmm. I've mostly let people just choose whatever they want for me this year, although I am always wanting more books, book tokens and book vouchers. :D

    My favourite thing about this time of year is when everyone starts to get cheery and friendly the closer it is to Christmas. I think it brings out the kindness and community spirit in people. You see a lot of charitable giving going on and a lot more smiles.

  8. You are so generous, this is such an amazing giveaway! I am desperate for a clarisonic and an hourglass ambient lighting powder or blush palette! It's my birthday tomorrow so december is my favourite month and I absolutely love christmas! I love christmas shopping, eating lots of food and watching festive films! xx

    Emily Faye |

  9. I'm not asking for anything this Christmas, and i am loving all the christmas songs and fairy lights! This is such a lovely giveaway xx

    Abi |

  10. I love everything about Xmas but especially having all the family together. On my wishlist is a new laptop as mine is on its last legs!!

  11. The Vice 3 Palette & Spending time with family, being all cosy by the fire!

  12. Wow, this is a really great giveaway!
    Melanie @

  13. Wow that is incredible thanks for the chance lovely, I love being able to relax at christmas without a laptop I think, no uni no blogging haha xxx


  14. Hi!
    I hope you do not mind, I have published information about your amazing giveaway on my blog
    Have a good day)

  15. There are so many things on my wishlist, mostly makeup :YSL lipstick, Nars blush palette, Chanel highlighter...
    I love all the holiday reparations, especially gift shopping. and baking)

  16. Thank you for you wonderful giveaway!
    I like this holiday because I can spend this time with my family and friends. :)

  17. My list is full of beauty products and a few jewellery bits! I love seeing my family and friends, whilst eating too much amazing food during the festive season! Great giveaway x

    Beauty with charm

  18. Oh I wish I could win this!! So many amazing products!!! Fingers crossed! Have a nice day!
    Aresmar || Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle Blog

  19. I adore Christmas and December, I love everything about the whole build up to Christmas, even more so now I've got a little toddler running around excited! So special! Fab giveaway lovely xx

    Kate | kateemmaloves.


  20. Naked 3 is on my wishlist, and i love stay with my family and friends at christmas

  21. Thank you for the giveaway. I don't personally celebrate Christmas, but a new Marc Jacobs perfume is at the top of my wish list. My favorite thing about December is being able to drink hot tea again! x

  22. Amazing giveaway! I love December because I get to spend some time with friends and family at home :)

  23. I love dicembre because of christmas

  24. I really haven't asked for much this Christmas, with my new job this year i've been buying everything myself so i really haven't thought about what i want!
    Love VictoriaJanex

  25. Such an amazing giveaway! On my wishlist is the Stila In The Light palette! My favourite thing about Christmas is just having the family together...and putting up the tree.

    I'm also running my first ever beauty giveaway on my blog right now if you fancy taking a look!
    Lizzie // xBeautyMagic

  26. I would love one or two of the Harry Potter movies for Christmas!

    Emily //

  27. Thanks for giveaway/
    In my wish list illamasqua velvet blush

  28. I'd like to get a LUSH gift set this year! I really like having some time off work and all of the rich foods I can indulge in! :D
    Lovely giveaway

    Miss Beauty Saver
    Enter My BlanX Giveaway

  29. Such an amazing giveaway, thank you so much! I love being able to spend the days in comfy clothes, doing fun things with my family. Plus everything smells amazing, between all the scented candles and the smell of the Christmas tree!
    Megan x

  30. Great giveaway Heather. I love winter - especially when it snows! I've got a wish list up on my blog that seems to include a lot of owl related goodies!

    Simone | Thirty Something OAP

  31. I would love some airliner and blush

  32. I love the smell of a fresh christmas tree! I'm hoping that I get a new coach bag this year..wishing! Thanks for this amazing giveaway! Paula C.

  33. I don't actually have a christmas list this year but i would LOVE a new phone! x

    I've got a mac lipstick giveaway on my blog if you want to take a look :)

  34. I really good giveaway - I really hope I get some vouchers for my local tattoo parlour this Christmas so that I can finish off my full sleeve. Stephen :o)

  35. I love everything about Christmas, but most of all seeing my family
    Top of my wishlist this year is a Jo Malone perfume

  36. My favorite thing about December is the weather , not too warm and not too cold , just a mix of fall and winter

  37. In my Christmas wishlist - a video camera for filming on YouTube)))
    Thank you for the gorgeous giveaway)

  38. My list is full of different beauty products :)

  39. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I'd love to have some new male up for Christmas

  40. I have a notebook on my list.. and a SJ's album! hahaha

    We can be together with our beloved ones!

  41. The topmost thing in my Christmas wishlist is a camera.
    I love the christmas trees of this season.

  42. The pictures you take are always so nice in the way the objects are placed, love it!

  43. What I love most about Christmas is the being together with your family!

  44. I love Christmas, because it is time for our family get together and its time to giving (open gift is my hobby lol)

  45. my fav thing about Christmas is spending time with my family

  46. What i love most about Christmas is being with my daughter and my husband at home

  47. I love December because I get to spend some time with friends and family:)
    My wish lish: A new laptop and a new scooter

  48. Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

    One reason why I love December is that my birthday is in it and along with many other of my family members, such as my cousins, sister, aunt and uncle. Which means a lot of family time together. I love Christmas because it's a lot like Thanksgiving.

  49. I have Gucci perfume and puppy on my wishlist! I like to give presents and decorate house)

  50. Christmas? by far my favorite holiday, the Feast of the family, good food, memories, nostalgia, but I believe that Christmas is a bit \x26#39;for all as well ....

  51. i wish i can win thi giveaway ^^

    thats will be a beautiful xmas gift


  52. Hello)Thank you for amazing giveaway!)
    For this Christmas I wish only being with my family because I live far from them)And I like that winter atmosphere, lights, snowflakes, Christmas tree, gifts :)

  53. I love Spending time with family :)
    And I want Tom Ford eyeshadow :)

  54. Top of my list is an exercise bike, oh yeah!
    What I love about Christmas is the good food and the excellent company.

    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays!!

  55. I like Christmas day with my family

  56. I have makeup & clothes on my wishlist.

  57. I have new boots on my wishlist. I like family gatherings, cookies, christmas lights, cooked wine and iceskating with friends!

  58. On my wishlist i have a new camera and in the holidays i like spending time with my family.


  59. On my Christmas list...a new hairdryer. Mine JUST died!
    I love Christmas because it is the only time I can get all of my family together for family time.

  60. On my whislist I have a D&G perfume and a jacket. I like Christmas dinner with my family!

  61. I'm in.

  62. eason why I love December is that the love of my life always come back home during ths month
    my wishlist: movie marathon with my loved one while eating a lotta food:)

  63. i have upgrading my wardrobe in my wishlist which means loads of new clothes lol :D

  64. I have decoration things for my new house and makeup itens in my wish list.

  65. a have an athletic jacket! i love Christmas because it is a season of joy !

  66. A new laptop.....I love the Christmas spirit and the gorgeous lights

  67. I'd love to have a new watch! :-)
    Thanks for this lovely giveaway ♥

  68. I have a lot of books in my Christmas wishlist. What I love most about Xmas, is to be with my together! :P

  69. I'd love a new pair of shoes, or maybe a couple pairs ;) Thank you!

  70. I'm crazy about over the knee boots. My fave thing about winter/December/Christmas time is the snow. (If only there would be any this year, lol.)

  71. I want a bosu ball and an eyeshadow palette.

  72. I wanted a laptop for Christmas but tonight we made an offer on a house so now I want the house lol!!

  73. I love December because I get to spend some time with friends and family at home.We also have a brand new baby grandson this year that I am dying to hold and kiss.I love the food,drinks ,and laughs,the good cheer.I also love the shopping an giving.I love the lights and decorations going to church, wishing all the best to everyone ,wrapping presents ,baking special treats.the holiday company the cheerful music and Christmas carols and probaly two pages more of all the wonderful things I love of December.

  74. It is summer at Christmas here so I love the BBQs and fishing :)

  75. I adore Christmas and December, il love do my self decoration for home

  76. wow .. It is summer at Christmas here so I love the BBQs and fishing :)

  77. I like Christmas dinner with my family!

  78. At Christmas time I love spending time all the family and boyfriend together <3
    Thank you for the giveaway! :)

    e-mail: floryfrancy(at)inwind(dot)it

    Finger crossed! ;)

  79. I love Christmas time with my family and friends ;)

  80. My favourite thing about this time of year is when everyone starts to get cheery and friendly the closer it is to Christmas.

  81. On my list I have one new dress

  82. On my list is to have a big house and I love getting gifts

  83. on my wish list a baby and i like mostly the snow and the smell of the tree! Thank you for a great giveaway!

  84. I love how scenic the snow is on the trees, and on my wish list is version 2.0 keurig machine

  85. I love getting together with my friends and family during the month of December. An eyeshadow palette is on my Christmas wish list.

    Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

    Alexia Harvours on Rafflecopter ~ Happy Holidays :)

  86. I want to give presents, and receive ofcourse! <3 On my list a have a smartphone. <3

  87. Thank you for the giveaway!! xx

  88. I like everything in december! Expecially that festive spirit!

  89. i have new pans on my wishlist. For December I like the feeling of wanting to give

  90. My favorite thing about Christmas is meeting my family and cousins!! Thanks for the giveaway :D

  91. I'd love a new watch for Christmas & the thing I like most about Christmas is watching my family open all the gifts I got for them :)

  92. I love winter clothes :D
    I would love to get a new cellphone this christmas :D


Please don’t leave any spam comments or links - thanks!

I’m no longer accepting any sponsored posts or freelance work at all and for the time being, I’m not accepting products to review so please don’t contact me about any of those, thank you! x