#SouthBeachMovieDay Event + FOTD

Today I attended the South Beach event at the Corner House Cinema in Manchester which is a place I haven't been to before but I definitely have to go again as it is such a nice cinema/cafe! I met up with my uni friend Melissa who is also a blogger, check out her blog, here. First, we watched Clueless which is a typical chick flick and I haven't actually watched it in years! 
We then went upstairs, above the cafe/bar, where we had cupcakes and had the chance to look at the gorgeous lounge wear and swimwear! I didn't really get a chance to look at the lounge wear but the swimwear was so colourful and is making me look forward to summer already! There was a candyfloss/cotton candy machine which looked amazing but I actually don't like candyfloss but there was also a pick and mix table of sweets!

As for my FOTD, I used my current favourite foundation - the Max Factor Luminizer Foundation which is amazing especially if you have dry skin. I also used my Cool Neutral Mac Palette which was quite expensive and I hardly reach for it but the shades are really pretty! For mascara I used the Rimmel 100% waterproof mascara. I can't leave the house without contouring, I used my Nars Powder Blush in Douceur which is actually being discontinued so snap it up before its gone!

Overall, it was a good event and the Corner House Cinema is gorgeous. The goodie bag was also great, so thank you to the lovely people at South Beach Official for inviting me even though I had to leave the event early! 

Have you bought anything from South Beach? If so, what did you buy?


  1. the foundation is looking really natural
    nice nail color

  2. Sounds like such a fun day! Love your natural makeup x

    Rebekah | Rebekah Hannah Beauty

  3. Love that Barry M color! Looks lovely!

    xo Brianna | Glazed Over

  4. gahhh i got invited to this but couldn't make it! It looked good though, glad you had a nice time ^^
    The Pixie Cut | Cosmo Blog award winner


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