The Little Princess Trust & Me

This morning I had my hair cut which doesn't sound like a big deal but I had about 9 inches cut off which is a substantial amount! I needed a change and I really like it - I have had my hair like this before, back in 2009 which seems like a lifetime ago. Tell me what you think in the comments below!
Sorry for the number of selfies! Oh and the liquid liner I am wearing is from Loreal
I wanted to get my hair cut for a change because it was down to my hips basically and it was getting really annoying, although it was still a bit nerve wracking getting so much cut off! Also I am donating my hair to The Little Princess Trust. I had never heard of this organisation until a family friend told me about them a few weeks ago. The Little Princess Trust makes real hair wigs, from donations, and gives them to children suffering from cancer - the wigs are free of charge and most people can donate their hair. There is a list of what hair is accepted and what is not, I thought I wouldn't be able to donate my hair because my hair is coloured but I can. Click here to find out more about The Little Princess Trust. I would definitely recommend checking out the website if you are interested. 

Well, here is my hair, I really like it - it feels so light - I had almost 9 inches cut off for the trust!


  1. Getting a haircut is a very big deal for me.. I have quite long hair , sometimes i feel like getting a hair cut , but..
    Ur brave

    Keep in touch,

  2. I had it cut for them too !!! They cut it all off 20inches so I had a boy cut :)

  3. This cut looks good on you, too.♥

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  4. Wow that is a lot of hair and to what a great cause! I love the length of new hair! It looks amazing. :)

  5. Oh you have beautiful locks :) Love your new look.

  6. That's such a nice thing to do!!! Your new look looks fabby as well by the way!!!
    Hollie xx

  7. i get you, last year I cut about 25cm (don't know how much that is in inches) and I felt bald! LOL.
    You look really pretty with short hair!!


  8. Your hair is so pretty! Donating your hair is such a nice thing to do! I wanted to do it last time I chopped off near 20 cm but because my hair was dyed, I wasn't qualified. xx

    Daphne | Peanut Butter and Chocolate Life | bloglovin

  9. What an amazing thing to do. Your hair looks fab too!

  10. I love your new look, great haircut! xx

    Martyna | NEON MIZZLE

  11. Your hair looks gorgeous Hun, such an amazing thing you did for charity!
    Maybe Its Megan Leigh xox


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