*American Soda

A few weeks ago my sister, Aimee, contacted the store/website American Soda which is a UK food website that I have been buying from for a least a year now. Anyway, my sister asked if them if they could send me some products for review and because it was my 21st birthday which was sweet of her and a little bit cheeky! I opened the box the day before we went on holiday and I received some yummy American food which isn't that easy to get hold of if you are in the UK like me, unless you buy from speciality websites such as American Soda, so I was really happy and grateful! 
Here is what I received! I haven't tried a couple of the items I received before but I have already tried the Kraft mac and cheese which I freakin love and the Rice a roni which I also love! I have never heard of Snapple before though or the Reeces peanut butter - I love the peanut butter cups occasionally. I have already managed to eat the Mississippi mac and cheese and almost all of the Kraft mac and cheese sachets...oops! Gotta love macaroni cheese! If you like American food like me, then American Soda is a great website with a wide range of products (oh they also sell candles and baking product among other things) and they are also fairly local to where I live so I am always happy to try and support local businesses. They stock a range of American brands and products such as: Kraft, Reeces, Mountain Dew, Betty Crocker, Hershey's, Red Vines, Lucky Charms, Cap'n Crunch, Shake n Bake and many more! Also, they have just reduced the prices of their shipping too which is great! And for my amazing continental european followers, American Soda do ship to all over Europe - Click here to find out more.


  1. this is really interesting! i live in america, but i have never seen the reese's peanut butter. now i'm going to have to get a jar myself!

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  2. Kraft's mac n cheese is simply the best ♥ The Reese peanut butter sounds so interesting!!


  3. I love craft products tooo..
    Dont forget to enter my giveaway.
    Keep in touch,

  4. Oh my gosh this is too funny! I live in America...so these are definitely normal products to me! It's crazy how you can only get certain items in certain places. At least they have cool stores like that for you! And how nice of them to send you that package!!! Mmm if you like the Macaroni & Cheese...the boxes with character noodles (like Spongebob, Disney characters, etc.) taste even better than the normal-shaped noodles! :)

  5. Never knew Reese's sells actual peanut butter! This was a fun post to see, and I hope you'll purchase more American items in the future! :)

  6. Never heard of this before, thanks for letting us all know about it! I love american food!! Great post :)


  7. THEY HAVE RECESS PEANUT BUTTER! I need to try that!



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