Review: *The Skin Regime Book

Here is something a bit different, I have never written a book review before but I was kindly sent this book for review by Dana Ramos, the author of the book and skin care boot camp regime. Even though this book was sent for review, my opinions are honest and my own. 
The book was created by Dana Ramos, it was published in 2012 and it contains all kinds of information on skincare - from how to spot products that wont work, maintaining the skin and how to get good skin simply and fairly cheaply. Although I feel like I need to add a little note here before the review - if you have a range of skincare products, natural or not, that work for you then keep using them! 

The introduction of the book focuses on the fallacies made by skincare and cosmetics companies about some of their products generally - as companies can make claims that are not met or are unattainable but we buy them anyway. I think this is a good point but again as I said before, if certain products work for you then keep on using them - what works for one person may not work for another. Dana makes some great points about how natural skincare is not always great for your skin - my skin for example does not usually like natural product because of my eczema (eg: liz earle cleanse and polish) but everyone is different. Also she suggests just looking at your face/skin in natural sunlight to actually see your skin and what is good/bad about it which I think is a great idea, we can't kid ourselves about our skin. The book also makes points about diet, healthy eating and drinking water to help promote healthy skin which is the main way really of making your skin look better as the surface layers of skin cells are dead anyway - it is the cells deeper in the skin that make the difference in the long term.

The book is an accompaniment to the skin regime which I am not using because I have eczema that comes and goes but it can be fairly bad - also people with severe acne or rosacea should see a dermatologist first. Although the book is an interesting read without the skin regime, however the book does promote the skin regime created by the author and others. The book features Dana's skin story, it also has skincare tips and advice - as well as a great section on makeup! The section about makeup (which is split up into types of products such as foundation and eyebrows) and the section about dark circles is great. I personally really like the common sense approach, tips, all over skincare (body) and makeup section of this book!

I would recommend this book, particularly with the skin regime as that is what the book is about on the whole only if you think it would work for your skin. Although use your own judgement and expert advice when it comes to skincare as everyone is different. Check out Dana's skin regime website - click here. I hope this review was helpful, if you have any questions feel free to email me at: 


  1. This is a really interesting post defo going to check out this book!

  2. Great review, might read it!
    I just came across your blog and I love it. I love your style.
    Feel free to check out my blog we can also follow each other if you would like to :)

  3. Ooh might look this up xx

  4. thanks for the review, gonna look this up on ebay:) love your blog by the way xooxx

  5. I think this is an amazing review. I'm such a huge skin fanatic as I suffer from acne so I am ALWAYS willing to hear others success stories and tips. Thanks 4 sharing!

  6. OMG I want this

  7. This sounds great, definitely a book I'd think about as my skin drives me nuts!! Thanks for sharing. :)

  8. I'll have to keep an eye out for that book. My skin is very sensitive and keeps changing. I keep trying products but rarely really love anything. I have to agree about diet and drinking water though- that just makes sense!

  9. Sounds like a really useful little book - great review!

  10. It's been on my too do list for such a look time to sort out my skin care regime! This sounds ideal, definitely something I need to look into

    Ellen // A little bit Unique // Facebook // Bloglovin



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