January Empties: Haircare

If you are not familiar with empties videos/posts then to explain, through out the month you keep all of the products you have used up within that month - you don't have to have used up the whole bottle just within that month. Here are my haircare empties that I have finished in the month of January. 

1. Liz Earle Botanical Shine Shampoo: I received this as part of a present for my birthday last year. I have used the Liz Earle cleanse and polish hot cloth cleanser a few years ago but I haven't tried any of their haircare products before this and I was pleasantly surprised. I really liked this shampoo, it cleansed my hair well without making it dry and it nice fresh scent. 

2. Clynol Colour & Care Shampoo: I received this as a free gift with purchase and I am quite disappointed - it didn't really do any thing for me and it was very very average and the scent wasn't very nice, in my opinion. I would not buy the full size. 

3. T Gel Therapeutic Shampoo: I have been reacting to shampoo quite badly over the past month or two and this shampoo has really been helping stop irritation and dry flakiness which is great. Although it smells absolutely horrible! The good effects of this shampoo are overshadowed by the strong coal tar scent. Overall, I think I would buy this again as it really helped my scalp but the scent is definitely a put off for me!

4. Yves Rocher Nutrition Shampoo: I made a really big order last year with Yves Rocher and in the order I bought two of these shampoos (buy one, get one free at the time) and from the first use I didn't get along with this shampoo. The shampoo smells nice and it lathers well but the next morning my scalp will be very flaky and irritated because of this product - and if I stop using this shampoo the irritation and horrible flakiness stop immediately. Not recommended. 

5. Seah Overnight Beauty Hair Mask: another disappointing product - firstly, this hair mask really doesn't smell nice at all and it has glitter in it - why would you want a hair mask with glitter in? Secondly, the hair mask didn't do anything for my hair - very very average results!

6. Liz Earle Botanical Shine Conditioner: My sister gave me this conditioner as she said it didn't work for her (she has fine, colour treated blonde hair) but it did work fairly well for me (I have thick long colour treated hair). The conditioner smells nice and it conditions my hair well without weighing it down. 

7 & 8. Aveda Invati Exfoliating shampoo and Thickening Conditioner: I received these two small samples and I only got one use out of them so I can't really give a full review but my initial impressions were that they didn't do much really - average results and a slightly unusual scent. 


  1. Some lovely bits there hun - i need to invest in some Liz Earle products,

    H X

  2. Lovely post! I feel exactly the same way about the T gel shampoo - does good but smells horrible! Do you think putting a few drops of lavender oil would work?

    1. That might work or maybe mixing it with another shampoo? :) x

  3. Love the idea of a hair mask, shame this one didn't work for you! I've never really used a lot on my hair and I'm quite lucky that I don't need to but I still want to invest in some products to treat it a little better!


  4. Great post, so glad i found your blog! x


  5. I am following you now. Thanks for your comment. Great page.

    Kate @ sparkle dust xx

  6. Hey lovely, I've nominated you for the Liebster award! You can see my post about it here http://thefloralrepublic.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/liebster-award.html xx

    1. Thank you - I have four Liebster blog award nominations now :) xx

  7. i've used the t gel shampoo too! sadly i don't think it worked to well for me. what i've been doing is using a clarifying shampoo (the best i've ever used so far is i <3 juicy from lush, you got to love lush :) ) once a week and my hair has been doing pretty well :) as for the smell of the of the t gel, i completely agree with you on it's tar like smell. blah :p i <3 juicy has a scent that's better but that still smells like medicine a little but it also has a citrus scent.

    1. I will have to try that Lush shampoo now - thank you :) x

  8. some products look good!



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